Client Comments

-The MSIC treats addicts as human beings that matter. We have a voice – MSIC saves lives.
-Safe clean and private. First aid is close along with good advice and other things. It’s a brilliant service.
-Other clinics treat their clients as victims. The MSIC encourages self respect.
-I think they are great people and have saved me and my friends’ lives. I have the highest regard for all the staff that have saved my life and helped me in every way that they can.
-Brilliant service which needs to be kept open – it’s safer for everyone – user and non-user.
-A totally indispensable service that has cleaned the Cross up reduced street crime and the general sanitation of the neighbourhood streets.
-Without this place I would be dead. Simply, the MSIC saves lives.
-The staff and the centre have been fantastic to me and helped me through some really bad times.
-It’s a great service provided to help both users and non-users by keeping injecting equipment and people overdosing off the streets.
-Without this facility, I’m sure my overdose would have killed me as I wouldn’t have had access to first aid.
-Staff are extremely professional and take great care, and give the proper care that overdosed patients need. The aftercare is exceptionally good – a lot of lives have been saved here at the MSIC.
-Once I overdosed and if I was anywhere else, I would not still be here.
-The Centre has put a stable routine in my out of control life.

I, as a drug user, made and isolated choice. I was alone when I decided to use heroin. The only people I had access to were other heroin users, my friends. I did not have access to information, the awareness of health, my own individual health that I do today… The difference between what is happening now and what would happen if there were an approved injecting room is that the treatment gateway would move from 3 to 4 years down the track to a lot closer to the initial decision to reject the drug. (Henry, Evidence 30 July 1997)