Supervised Injecting Facilities

Anything which improves the harmony of society as a whole is a social benefit. Supervised Injecting Centre's may reduce the amount of drug overdoses and allow more people to go about their lives in greater safety and with less chance of affront or interferance by drug-intoxicated individuals. The continuing exposition will endeavour to prove that Queensland should introduce the legal injecting rooms, much like those in Sydney, as a way of reducing the number of deaths due to overdoses. The introduction and legalisation in Queensland would therefore meet growing societal needs. These injecting centre's represent an avenue of socialisation for injecting drug users and would provide assistance towards their re-integration into society. Does society think it is socially acceptable to create a centre for these drug addicts to receive assistance in places where there is already a substantial quantity of people who could benefit from the various treatment options that are available? This approach has been adopted in the Netherlands and several other European cities.

*This web page has been designed as part of a Year 12 assessment piece in Queensland.